Delivery of all the Medical Equipments & Hardware

  • Municipality of Topeiros

The rest of the Medical Equipments and the Hardware was delivered in the Municipality of Topeiros, which was accepted by the Municipalities representatives and are going to be installed to the Spots and delivered to the Doctors and the Citizens.

The rest of the Medical Equipments that was delivered includes:

  • Thirty (30) Medical Equipments for Social Care Teams, Doctors and Citizens able to measue multiple parameters including blood pressure, pulse, pulse regularity, temperature meter, SPO2 respiratory rate, 1 –lead ECG.
  • Twentysix (26) Tablets able to send data to the Web Health - Social Care platform via Wi-Fi 3G/4G.
  • One (1) Tablet able to send the measured data to the Web Health - Social Care Platform.

The rest of the Hardware that was delivered includes:

  • Three (3) Professional Laser Printers.
  • One (1) 15" Laptop PC which will be equipped with Special Social Care Platform.
  • Three (3) 22" Touchscreen PC which will be equipped with Special Social Care Software.

This final delivery meanss the succesfull completion of WP4 regarding the Municipality of Topeiros.