The project is implemented in the framework of the INTERREG VA Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme and is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the INTERREG VA Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme.
The project history and idea is based on the experience of the municipality of Topeiros, which operates a similar pilot e-social health care system. The pilot system in Topeiros has been running properly for more than two years, serving dozens of habitants in remote locations (elderly and disabled people mainly) and hundreds of inhabitants of the area that visit the medical centers where the system is installed.
Through the proposed project, selected medical centers in the municipalities of Nestos, Topeiros and Zlatograd will be equipped with advanced medical equipment connected to the upgraded Web Health System of Topeiros, selected network participants will be equipped withmedical equipments and hardware in order to provide ad hoc healthcare services in emergency situations and give to selected Citizens (elderly or disabled people) a special medical device to make measurments at home.